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QST - Henderson's Ski Tuning Partnership

QST - Henderson's Ski Tuning Partnership


Again this year, Henderson's is partnering with the Ski Team to get your athlete's skis tuned. Starting this weekend, any QST member skis that are delivered to Henderson's Route 4 store (not the shop at the club) before 5 pm on Sunday will be tuned and delivered directly to Henderson's Quechee Base Lodge store by 8:30 am the following Saturday.

When dropping off their skis at Henderson’s, mention that you are part of the “QST Tuning Program” and plan to pick up tuned skis on Saturday morning at the Base Lodge. Henderson’s charges $50 for a regular tuning and $100 for a race prep tuning.

As our coaches have emphasized, ski tuning is a key component of athlete performance. We strongly encourage families not tuning their athlete's skis to take advantage of this offering. 

Annual Ski Team Fundraiser - Feb. 15 through March 1

Annual Ski Team Fundraiser - Feb. 15 through March 1


Our annual auction is our main fundraiser. As interest in our ski team grows, our needs are greater. This year, your contribution to our fundraiser will help enhance our coaching equipment, support updates to our training equipment, and purchase a drying system for coaches' equipment and apparel for the race room.


The auction will be online, with some fun items displayed at the banquet and a few items auctioned live. We'll open the Silent Auction on Sat., Feb. 15, and close it at the end of the banquet on March 1. The Live Auction will take place at the Banquet, Sat., March 1.


If you're interested in donating items, experiences, sports tickets, or restaurant gift certificates, please contact Susan Benzie at [email protected]. The cutoff for donations is Sat., Feb. 1. 


Thank you in advance for your support.